Forest Fashion » celestial cape

News, info, and opinions on all things Forest Fashion!

Ways to wear your Starry Suspender Skirt!

Ways to wear your Starry Suspender Skirt!

Hey Forest Dwellers! Here's some fashion inspo for your wardrobes! People often tell me, "I love this piece, but what would I wear it with?" So I thought I would... Leer más
Celestial Capes are here!!

Celestial Capes are here!!

Hey Forest Dwellers, THE CELESTIAL CAPES ARE HERE! I'm soooo excited about this one -- although it wasn't my first release, this cape is the first thing I designed for... Leer más
Celestial Collection + a new way of doing pre-orders!

Celestial Collection + a new way of doing pre-orders!

Hey Forest Dwellers! It's time for new pre-order announcements! I've been developing new samples for an upcoming celestial collection, and I'm ready to show them off!  Before I go into... Leer más
Celestial Cape pre-orders open October 1st!

Celestial Cape pre-orders open October 1st!

Our most anticipated product is finally ready to be revealed! After months of development, the celestial cape design is finalized and being made right now. This has gone through so... Leer más
Sneak peak of our new designs!

Sneak peak of our new designs!

Hey forest dwellers! Here's an update on some brand new in-house designs, coming soon! I've been teasing more custom products lately on Twitter, if you follow the shop account (which... Leer más